Beth Rowles Scott
Beth grew up in rural Saskatchewan in the 1930s and completed a teacher's certificate at the University of Saskatchewan, assuming teaching positions in Big River and Saskatoon. After moving to B.C., she took up teaching and administration positions in the Surrey school district, where she later became a secondary school principal, the only female principal in B.C. at the time. During this period, she achieved a BA and a BEd at the University of British Columbia, followed by a master's degree and a doctorate in educational administration. Beth and her husband, George Scott, are the founders of the African Canadian Continuing Education Society (ACCES). The organization has provided education funding and facilities for thousands of children and young adults in rural Kenya. In 2006, the Scotts were recognized as "Outstanding Canadians" by the Corporation of the City of White Rock, B.C., and Beth was named "Woman of the Year" by Soroptomist International of White Rock, an organization devoted to improving the lives of women and girls in the community and the world. Currently working on a novel, Beth lives in Surrey, B.C. |