A Lovely Letter From Cecie

A Lovely Letter From Cecie

The 1907-1915 Vancouver Diary and World War I Letters of Wallace Chambers

John Graham Gillis

The 1907-1915 Vancouver diary and World War I letters of Wallace Chambers give a rare glimpse into the world of middle – class young people in the Vancouver of the early 1900s.

ISBN: 9780897168151
192 Pages
CDN/USD $14.95

Raised in B.C.’s Nicola Valley, John Graham Gillis is a Vancouver cardiologist and historian. His mother, Gertrude, was a younger sister of Wallace Chambers.

Raised in B.C.’s Nicola Valley, John Graham Gillis is a Vancouver cardiologist and historian. His mother, Gertrude, was a younger sister of Wallace Chambers.