A Walk on Broken Glass

A Walk on Broken Glass

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria

Gloria M. Allan

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria and Hungary, was the acknowledged beauty of her society. At 17, she married the Emperor Franz Joseph. He adored her. Her subjects loved her and she was deeply loved by several men.

This was only the surface of her life. Like Diana, Princess of Wales, Elisabeth was a troubled woman. She was a free spirit trapped in a repressive society, a woman ahead of, and out of step with, her time. Living in a court society that was shallow, jealous and greedy for position and power, Elisabeth’s strength of character, her determination, her skill as a horsewoman and love of travel allowed her to endure her life and gave her freedom from her domineering mother-in-law

Tragedy haunts the pages of her life, but she lives again, beautiful, charming and strong, in Allan’s novel. Through all her troubles, Elisabeth remained true to herself, to her husband and to what she believed would be her place in history. Her love of Hungarians and mastery of their language helped to influence the formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Reviews and Testimonials:

“Impressive storytelling. A beautifully crafted novel marked by a memorable characters, language that has flair, and an intricate plot that engages attention. Highly recommended.”
—Midwest Book Review

Paperback and eBook:

ISBN: 9781926991795. Revised Edition (paperback). $19.95 CDN, $17.95 USD. Available via your local bookstore, Indigo/Chapters, or Amazon
ISBN: 9781926991344 (ebook). $9.99 CDN. Available on Amazon Kindle, Bookbaby, Kobo,

Media Related:

VIFF film Corsage about Sisi, Empress of Austria, is showing from Jan 6th to the 20th, 2023 in Vancouver, BC. The actress, Vicky Krieps, just received a Cannes Film Festival Award and European Film Award for her performance in Corsage (2022).


ISBN: 9781926991795
334 Pages
CDN/USD $19.95

Gloria Allan began writing as a cub reporter in Toronto. Gloria married, raised five children and indulged her love of bridge, golf and travel. Never forgetting her love of writing, over the past several years she has written a novel and several short stories. While browsing in an antiquarian bookstore in London, England, she discovered a small book about Sisi, the beautiful and tragic Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Hungary. She immersed herself in Sisi’s story, researching and gathering material for her second novel, A Walk on Broken Glass. She lived in Montreal and now resides in West Vancouver.

Gloria Allan began writing as a cub reporter in Toronto. Gloria married, raised five children and indulged her love of bridge, golf and travel. Never forgetting her love of writing, over the past several years she has written a novel and several short stories. While browsing in an antiquarian bookstore in London, England, she discovered a small book about Sisi, the beautiful and tragic Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Hungary. She immersed herself in Sisi’s story, researching and gathering material for her second novel, A Walk on Broken Glass. She lived in Montreal and now resides in West Vancouver.