

My Urban Safari

Gary Oliver

Many of the animals you’ve seen in movies have been supplied by Gary Oliver. The animals come from Cinemazoo, Gary’s home for exotic pets of all kinds, from 10″ millipedes to snapping turtles and alligators. On set, Gary is their wrangler: he makes them do what they’re supposed to do. But, he is also their protector. Virtually all of his animals have been rescued, and he has taken on a mission to help others, especially young people, learn about responsible ownership and species preservation. Gary has gone through many doors in pursuit of his dream. It’s been a long journey to get here, and it’s not over yet. This book follows his adventures (and misadventures) on the road to Cinemazoo.


ISBN: 9781894694629 (paperback). $24.95 CAD

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ISBN: 9781894694629

Gary’s relationship with animals began when he was seven, and soon he was connecting with other like-minded souls around the world. It was many years until he finally established Cinemazoo, a refuge for animals located in Surrey, outside Vancouver. From the 30 years since Cinemazoo was established, the number of exotic animals in his care has risen to over 300.

Gary’s relationship with animals began when he was seven, and soon he was connecting with other like-minded souls around the world. It was many years until he finally established Cinemazoo, a refuge for animals located in Surrey, outside Vancouver. From the 30 years since Cinemazoo was established, the number of exotic animals in his care has risen to over 300.