Light Within The Shadows

Light Within The Shadows

A painter's memoir

Pnina Granirer

Light Within the Shadows is a lively and moving memoir that chronicles Pnina Granirers life as an artist, wife and mother. Conceived as a play in three acts, it begins in her hometown in Romania, moves to its second act in Israel, and concludes with her life in North America. It encompasses her years in Israel, the USA, France and Canada, and her travels to Japan, Spain and Mexico, all of which inform her understanding of the world which is then reflected in her art.


ISBN: 9781926991849 (paperback). $24.95 CAD, $22.95 USD, Available through your local bookstore, Amazon or Chapters-Indigo
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: 336

ISBN: 9781926991955 (paperback). $24,95 CAD, $22.95 USD. Ingram POD edition. Available via Amazon
ISBN: 9781926991962 (hardcover). $49.95 CAD. Available via Amazon
ISBN: 9781926991887 (ebook) available via Amazon Kindle

Distribution in the UK via Gazelle Book Services

Reviews / Testimonials:

This is a lively and touching act of memory and affirmation, as vivid, theatrical and perceptive as Granirer’s paintings themselves. It shows both an artist’s eye for the telling detail and a historian’s awareness of social and political context. Despite life’s vicissitudes she retains a freshness and sense of wonder as we travel from her origins in a tumultuous Europe through army service in Israel to her eventual place of safety and fulfilment among like-minded friends in Canada.
—Max Wyman
Critic and cultural commentator

Pnina Granirer takes us deep within a child’s revelations of wonderment and beauty that have not deserted the artist almost a lifetime later. From our privileged vantage we
experience through her remarkable journey the power of an artist’s ceaseless investigation of the world without and within. The reader is carried by the emotion of what is here a constant interplay of immediate perception, remembrance and the dream-like yearning that singularly marks the human consciousness.
—Salem Alaton
Humber College Professor of Journalism
Former Globe and Mail New York arts correspondent

Media Related:

Pnina has been honoured to participate in this years International Exhibition of 100 Years of Surrealism in Santiago, Chile on October 26, 2019.

ISBN: 9781926991849
336 Pages

Pnina Granirer has exhibited widely during the 52 years of her life in Vancouver. Her works are found in numerous private and public national and international collections, such as the Glenbow Museum (Calgary, Alberta), the Yad Vashem Museum (Jerusalem, Israel), the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, BC, the Two Rivers Gallery (Prince George, BC), the Richmond Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Hamilton (Ontario), Museo Eugenio Granell (Spain), the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Chile) and more.

In 2014 Pnina was included in the extensive encyclopedia of international surrealism by Arturo Schwarz, Il Surrealismo: Ierie Oggi (Italy), and in Jose Miguel Pérez Corrales’s anthology, Surrealismo: El Oro del Tiempo (Spain), in a 5-page chapter.

Pnina Granirer has exhibited widely during the 52 years of her life in Vancouver. Her works are found in numerous private and public national and international collections, such as the Glenbow Museum (Calgary, Alberta), the Yad Vashem Museum (Jerusalem, Israel), the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, BC, the Two Rivers Gallery (Prince George, BC), the Richmond Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Hamilton (Ontario), Museo Eugenio Granell (Spain), the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Chile) and more.

In 2014 Pnina was included in the extensive encyclopedia of international surrealism by Arturo Schwarz, Il Surrealismo: Ierie Oggi (Italy), and in Jose Miguel Pérez Corrales’s anthology, Surrealismo: El Oro del Tiempo (Spain), in a 5-page chapter.