Mariposa Intersections

Mariposa Intersections

Bruno Huber

Mariposa Intersections is the love story of Rafael and Gabriela, two young idealists from different social strata who find themselves at opposite ends of a defining cause, which is the Mexican Utilities proposal of a nuclear power plant on Lago Patzcuaro in Michoacan, Mexico. It is also the story of a group of international individuals who, like the Monarch butterflies, are drawn together to form an organism that is bigger then the sum of its parts. Their common cause unites them for a short but intense time. Together they fight the proposed nuke plant in this historic region in the center of Mexico. It’s a universal story about the fight for the preservation of a way of life and the environment against the insatiable appetite for money, jobs and the need for electricity.

Reviews and Testimonials:

If  you’ve ever wanted to get “beyond the beach” in Mexico, then Mariposa Intersections is for you. This political action story is highstakes, provocative and absolutely current. Thought-provoking, heartfelt – a great vacation read. It weaves together the lives of people from all over the world who meet by accident and become friends and more, as they fight to protect the fragile beauty of a place they love.
—Maureen McKeon
screenwriter for award-winning TV series Street Legal, Traders, Bliss, and The Associates

Bruno Huber’s timely tale about a struggle against the development of a nuclear power plant brings together a cast of disparate international characters, but the standout is the country of Mexico itself. A deep sense of the history, the culture, the geography and present day politics underpins a story that unfolds principally in Michoacan, at beautiful Lake Patzcuaro, which the author clearly knows and loves. An enjoyable and informative read.”
—Mary Burns
Author of The Reason for Time

Paperback and eBook:

ISBN: 9781926991924 (paperback). $19.95 CDN, $17.95 USD. Available via your local bookstore, Chapters/Indigo, and Amazon.
ISBN: 9781926991931 (ebook). $9.99 CDN, $7.99 USD. Available on Amazon Kindle.

Media Related:

Reader’s Favorite article can be viewed here.

ISBN: 9781926991924
224 Pages
CDN/USD $19.95

Bruno Huber was born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland. He immigrated and settled in Canada, first in Nelson, BC and then in 1990 he moved to Granthams Landing, Gibsons, on the Sunshine Coast near Vancouver, BC.
He is the winner of the Hohnharter Prize for Literature with a subsequent book of short stories published by Ullstein GmbH.
He was the owner of Coast Books in Gibsons from 1990 to 1995, and was also the owner of a French Restaurant in Vancouver’s Westend from 2010 to 2012.
He has been a film technician for 25 years.

You can read his blog at:

Bruno Huber was born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland. He immigrated and settled in Canada, first in Nelson, BC and then in 1990 he moved to Granthams Landing, Gibsons, on the Sunshine Coast near Vancouver, BC.
He is the winner of the Hohnharter Prize for Literature with a subsequent book of short stories published by Ullstein GmbH.
He was the owner of Coast Books in Gibsons from 1990 to 1995, and was also the owner of a French Restaurant in Vancouver’s Westend from 2010 to 2012.
He has been a film technician for 25 years.

You can read his blog at: