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Mission To Little Grand Rapids

Mission To Little Grand Rapids

Life with the Anishinable 1927-1938

Rev. Luther L. Schuetze

This posthumous memoir recounts the adventures of Luther Schuetze, who from 1927 to 1938 took the Gospel to one of Canada’s First Nations, the Anishinabe of Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba. Facing unfriendly shamans and a people riddled with disease and hunger, he performed surgical, dental, and obstetric services while preaching and living his message.


ISBN: 9781894694025 (paperback). $19.95 CDN

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…anything but dry and boring. From the opening pages, I was interested in this man’s past… — Leslie Bryde, Portage la Prairie Daily Graphic, April 20, 2002

…his naive enthusiasm and faith are infectious, as is his obvious love of his family… — John Bird, United Church Observer, May 2002

ISBN: 9781894694025
208 Pages

Luther Schuetze was born to German immigrant parents in Brazil, educated in basic medicine and theology in Germany, and worked for years on farms on the Canadian prairies. He was married with three sons and another on the way when he was called by the United Church to be a minister in Little Grand Rapids. He and his family later moved to Oregon, then to B.C. Luther lived in retirement in Penticton until his death in 1979.

Luther Schuetze was born to German immigrant parents in Brazil, educated in basic medicine and theology in Germany, and worked for years on farms on the Canadian prairies. He was married with three sons and another on the way when he was called by the United Church to be a minister in Little Grand Rapids. He and his family later moved to Oregon, then to B.C. Luther lived in retirement in Penticton until his death in 1979.