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Prostate Cancer Strikes

Prostate Cancer Strikes

Navigating the Storm

Gogs Gagnon

AT AGE 57, GOGS GAGNON became one of millions of men diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetimes. After his surgery and recovery, he decided to share his story to inspire others to advocate for their health and learn from his experiences. Prostate cancer hits at the very core of manhood, and Gogs, in this deeply personal account, reveals intimate details that everyone impacted by the disease — man or woman — needs to know.

Congratulations Gogs on recently becoming an elected council member of Prostate Cancer Foundation BC


ISBN: 9781926991948 (paperback). $18.95 CDN, $17.95 USD.

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Available through your local bookstore, or Indigo-Chapters

ISBN: 9781926991979 (ebook) Check it out on
ISBN: 9781989467121 (audio). Audiobook coming soon. Stay tuned!

Media Related:

Prostate Cancer Foundation BC

Gogs’ book has been selected and included in the Prostate Cancer Foundation BC Reef knot kits which contain information for men who have been newly diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. This kit contains a passport that men can use to track their journey. Recent announcement.


The Reef Knot kit is now available free across Canada. See press release here. Previously only available within the province of BC.

The Reef Knot Kit is explained here in more detail on Gogs’ Youtube channel. Another video explaining the kit can be accessed here.

You can download this latest newsherefrom Prostate Cancer Support Canada.

Live panel discussion about Prostate Cancer put on by Bayer. Over 3,600 people listened to the event live from over 60 countries.

Prostate Cancer Support Canada. February 2021 newsletter.

YouTube videos:

Anti-Cancer Club. Video can be accessed here.
Island Prostate Centre. YouTube video. online interview can be accessed here.


Coping Magazine. Read it on Gogs website here, or a pdf can be viewed here.
The Focal Therapy Clinic (UK). Audio interview can be accessed here.
BC Local News. Article can be read here.
Cure Today article can be accessed here.
CFAX interview can be heard here.
CKNW Sunday Night Health Show interview with Maureen McGrath. His 2nd appearance. You can access the podcast link here.
ProstateCancer.Net wrote a lovely article about Gogs. You can access it here.
Comox Valley Record article can be read here.

Campbell River Newspaper article can be read here.

Reviews / Testimonials:

Prostate Cancer Strikes is quite a bible and has a tremendous amount of information.”
—Maureen McGrath, RN
Registered Nurse and women’s health expert
Host of the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show
Vancouver, BC

“An easy, jocular read that gets into the nitty-gritty of diagnosis and treatment. Gogs acknowledges what he should have done differently, which is helpful for the reader.”
— Dr. Tom Pickles, MB MD MRCP FRCPC
Radiation Oncologist, BC Cancer Agency, UBC Professor
Co-author of the bestseller The Intelligent Patient Guide to Prostate Cancer

“A great read and well put together. Gogs has a gift, and I loved it. This book is a must for those who experienced prostate cancer and those about to.”
— Vic Lombardi
TV Reporter, Host and prostate cancer survivor
Altitude Sports and Entertainment, Denver, Colorado


Gogs has cultivated other resources regarding Prostate Cancer. You can view those resources on his website.


ISBN: 9781926991948
190 Pages

A native of New Westminster, Gogs Gagnon followed an early passion for computers by becoming a programmer and independent technology consultant. In the course of his career, he has developed software for Apple, IBM, and the government of British Columbia where he was the lead programmer analyst and data architect.

Now, in addition to promoting prostate cancer awareness, Gogs devotes much of his time to writing. His next book is a coming-of age memoir set in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia during the 1970s.

The father of three children, Gogs lives with his wife and their two dogs in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC.

You can follow along with Gogs journey on his website at



A native of New Westminster, Gogs Gagnon followed an early passion for computers by becoming a programmer and independent technology consultant. In the course of his career, he has developed software for Apple, IBM, and the government of British Columbia where he was the lead programmer analyst and data architect.

Now, in addition to promoting prostate cancer awareness, Gogs devotes much of his time to writing. His next book is a coming-of age memoir set in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia during the 1970s.

The father of three children, Gogs lives with his wife and their two dogs in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC.

You can follow along with Gogs journey on his website at