Provence for All Seasons
Provence for All Seasons
a journey
Gordon Bitney
Gordon Bitney brings us another installment of life in the French countryside, among the orchards and vineyards, the outdoor march’s and the ruins from the Roman times and the Middle Ages, scattered across this picturesque backdrop. Written in an intimate and colourful style, this book reflects the stunning landscapes that inspired Cezanne, Picasso and Van Gogh.
His personal journey examines what makes Provence such a special place. As Bitney cycles from village to village, he finds himself enmeshed in the lives of the locals, be it hurriedly harvesting grapes before the rain season or hunting for truffles.
Taking the tourism out of travel and making a far corner of the world his own, Bitney’s love of the region and its people resounds through the pages of this work.
Readers will follow the adventures of Gordon and Marie Helenene Bitney as they purchase a villa in Provence and exchange their hectic, urban existence for a tranquil, rural lifestyle. In a single plane flight to France the cobwebs of routine were gone and the rich challenge of another culture took over their days.
Format: softcover
Availability: Out of print. Contact Publisher to order a copy.
ISBN: 9780926991139 (paperback). $19.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780926991139
CDN/USD $19.95