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The Yukon

The Yukon

From memories of her Yukon youth, family letters, photographs, unpublished works and news clippings, Robertson brings to life the experiences of her family and others during this little-known period of Yukon history. The family life and the work they did; telegraphy, dog-team mail delivery, teaching and working in the gold-mining industry, were typical of the Yukon during this era.


ISBN: 9781926991092 (paperback)
Price: $23.95 CAD, $23.95 USD
Published: 2012

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ISBN: $9.99 CAD, $7.99 USD(eBook). Available via Amazon Kindle.

ISBN: 9781926991092

Joann Robertson is the granddaughter of a Yukon pioneer and riverboat pilot. Born in Dawson City, she spent the first ten years of her childhood in Bear Creek, the centre of gold production from the early 1900s to later, she lived along the Alaska Highway and in Whitehorse. She has a degree in Sociology from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, and resides in Vancouver.

Joann Robertson is the granddaughter of a Yukon pioneer and riverboat pilot. Born in Dawson City, she spent the first ten years of her childhood in Bear Creek, the centre of gold production from the early 1900s to later, she lived along the Alaska Highway and in Whitehorse. She has a degree in Sociology from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, and resides in Vancouver.