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Too Scared to Tell till Now

Too Scared to Tell till Now

a woman's journey to a fulfilled life

Tricia Cook

Her abusive father and controlling mother hampered Tricia Cook but did not prevent her from accomplishing a lot in life. A stressful childhood in Yorkshire, with bombing, rationing and often being shut up in a cupboard, was followed by nursing school, marriage and children.Then came emigration – surviving the cold of northern Canada — before moving to the Vancouver area, where she worked in extended health care. When her back gave out, she experienced the fate of a disabled worker. Forced to retire, she took courses and volunteered for decades in hospice and arthritis care, ultimately becoming a counsellor. After group psychology and finding out her younger sister had also been abused, she knew she had to warn others to speak up.


ISBN: 9781926991986 (paperback). $19.95 CDN, $17.95 USD. Available locally, or via Indigo-Chapters, or Amazon.

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ISBN: 9781989467077 (ebook). Available on Amazon Kindle.

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Reviews and Testimonials:

“I finished it with great admiration for Tricia Cook, the author, who faced many serious setbacks in her life, but always seemed to find a way to go on to new challenges and to make significant contributions to her community.”
—from the foreword
by Elspeth Richmond

ISBN: 9781926991986
206 Pages

Tricia Cook was born in Hull, Yorkshire, before World War II, studied nursing, married, and immigrated to Canada with her husband and three children.

Writing poetry helped her survive the rigours of life in northern British Columbia, before she moved to Metro Vancouver. There she worked, got further healthcare training, divorced and eventually remarried. Forced to retire because of a disability, she went on to take courses and to volunteer in hospice and arthritis care for thirty years, often acting as a counsellor. When she found out her younger sister had also been abused, she knew she had to tell others to speak up.

After moving to Vancouver Island, she started typing this revealing memoir.

Tricia Cook was born in Hull, Yorkshire, before World War II, studied nursing, married, and immigrated to Canada with her husband and three children.

Writing poetry helped her survive the rigours of life in northern British Columbia, before she moved to Metro Vancouver. There she worked, got further healthcare training, divorced and eventually remarried. Forced to retire because of a disability, she went on to take courses and to volunteer in hospice and arthritis care for thirty years, often acting as a counsellor. When she found out her younger sister had also been abused, she knew she had to tell others to speak up.

After moving to Vancouver Island, she started typing this revealing memoir.