Tuesdays with Jack

Tuesdays with Jack

a grandmother's love and a little boy's brilliance

Pauline Daniel

Tuesdays with Jack is a heartwarming memoir of introspection and observation, a humorous look into a family with the kind of enchanting moments and unflinching devotion, blended with mess and exhaustion, that we can all relate to.

Jack’s batteries are running out in his head. But only for songs. Through the inventive eyes of this little boy and his grandmother, we are given insight into their world together, with the fun and wonderment of two lives that are full of beautiful instants, floppy bits, and intimate scenes that make your heart stop.

This is the story of Buba and Jack making whipped cream and making magic, a captivating chronicle permeated by intense love that can only be given by a grandmother.

Check out Pauline’s website for this book here.

Media Related:

CBC’s North by Northwest Interview with Pauline on January 12th, 2019 about parenting can be heard here. Interview starts at 58:18.

The Ormsby Review article can be read here.

Paperback and eBook:

ISBN: 9781926991825 (paperback).

Order from your local bookstore, Indigo/Chapters, or Amazon.

ISBN: 9781926991900 (ebook). Available on Amazon Kindle

Distribution in the UK via Gazelle Book Services

ISBN: 9781926991825
136 Pages

In addition to being a first-time author, Pauline Daniel is the owner of Coaching Connections, a life-coaching practice serving women. She calls herself the How to Follow Your Heart Coach, which is the way she lives her life.

Pauline and her husband Jim live in a small mountain town in southeast British Columbia. Jack and his family live nearby.

Follow Pauline on her Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/babyboomerbuba/

In addition to being a first-time author, Pauline Daniel is the owner of Coaching Connections, a life-coaching practice serving women. She calls herself the How to Follow Your Heart Coach, which is the way she lives her life.

Pauline and her husband Jim live in a small mountain town in southeast British Columbia. Jack and his family live nearby.

Follow Pauline on her Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/babyboomerbuba/