Always Becoming - Forever

Always Becoming - Forever

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A Journal of Conscious Living/Conscious Dying
Clare M. Buckland and Diana C. Douglas

Clare, in her matchless way, has chosen to serve humanity once again, at a time in life when most would choose to retire. In this chronicle, she courageously shares her journey with us and brings us face to face with the dissolution of the body and the absorption of Spirit into Essence. Diana has faithfully been present to bear witness each step along the way. Together, they give an intimate look into one of life's most mysterious processes.
— Leslie Temple-Thurston, Spiritual Teacher, Santa Fe, NM

Paper / 6" x 9" / 380 pages
ISBN 0-9683781-0-2 / $22.00 Cdn / $19.00 US

Visit the website of co-author Diana C. Douglas