Financial Freedom on $1 a Day
Suzanne Kirkland Kincaid WHO COULD USE THIS BOOK? Parents — Be home for the most important job; Senior Citizens — Create income for a quality retirement; College Students — Earn your degree without financial stress; Educational Support Systems — Funding without raising taxes; Independent Politicians — Funding for you and your donors; Network Marketers — Maximum profits — Minimum efforts; Small Business Owners — Unbeatable benefits for employees; Charities/Non Profits — Income for your cause and your donors It is the SYSTEM that is so powerful! You’re not at the mercy of any one particular program or company’s success – nor any particular product – nor any particular market conditions! 1.4 trillion dollars circulate the globe daily. Tap into the income stream and spend your share on things that matter most to you. Then help others do the same. All the proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Universal Peace & Prosperity Foundation. SELF HELP / PERSONAL FINANCES |