The Dragons of Kangaroo Island
Written and Illustrated by Jacqueline Vickery Stanley Lucille, the Weedy Sea Dragon, does not like her body. She wants to look like her cousin, the Leafy Sea Dragon. She thinks she will be popular if she looks like him. One night, in the waters of Kangaroo Island, Lucille survives a great ordeal and discovers that she is special and that she likes herself, just the way she is. Jacqui Stanley has moved back to Houston Texas. Before she left Washington she received the award as the outstanding student for Secondary Education for 2005 by the faculty at Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University. A FAN LETTER I am a HUGE fan. My 8 year old son loves animals, sea dragons, anything that has to do with nature and we have read your book Dragons of Kangaroo Island countless times. My 9 year old daughter loves to draw and is amazed by your illustrations. I want to thank you for your amazing talent and inspiration you offer my children. CHILDREN’S FICTION / MARINE BIOLOGY |