Publishing Information
When you have a manuscript and you want it published, you have three options: you can send it around to traditional publishers; you can publish it yourself; or you can publish it with us.
Sending your manuscript around to traditional publishers may well be the best option for you, especially if you would like someone else to finance the publication of your book, but it is generally very time consuming and often both frustrating and discouraging. And even if your book is accepted, you can expect an additional wait of up to two years before it is actually published.
Publishing your book yourself has the great advantage of allowing you to follow your own schedule and avoid these lengthy delays. True, it requires a financial investment on your part, but in return it enables you to control every stage of the publication process and to retain 100% of the profits from the sale of your book. And while the financial investment involved is significant, it is certainly less expensive than hiring someone to oversee the process for you.
Why, then, should you publish with us?
The simple answer is that publishing a book is not exactly a walk in an open field. It's much closer to a journey through the woods.
The destination is clear enough: a well-made book that meets your highest expectations and appeals to the readers you want to reach. The way there, however, is not so obvious. There are obstacles to be overcome, pitfalls to avoid, and dilemmas to grapple with regarding the route to be taken.
If you want a reliable guide to ensure not only that you don't get lost in the woods but also that you don't waste your time and energy figuring out how to make your way through uncharted, challenging terrain, then you should be publishing with us.
Our clients – individuals, corporations, and other organizations – rely on us to manage their book projects efficiently and economically from start to finish.
They trust us to listen carefully to their goals. They look to us for good, honest advice regarding all aspects of the publishing process, from editing to marketing and distribution. And they rely on our creative team of professionals – editors, proofreaders, text and cover designers, and printers – to appreciate their vision and bring it to fruition in a book of which we can all be proud.
As one of our clients, you benefit from the following services:
Project Management
We manage your book project from beginning to end, making sure that control of the process rests in your hands. The keynote of our management style is cooperation: we welcome your creative involvement when and where it counts. When we sit down with the text designer to discuss your book, for example, we want you at the table to participate in the excitement of bouncing ideas around in order to arrive at a winning harmony of subject matter and typography. On the other hand, we won't burden you with time-consuming (and sometimes vexing) details. Our goal throughout the project is to make publishing your book an enjoyable, rewarding experience for you.
If required, we provide you with a talented writer well-suited to your project, someone who will appreciate your vision and meet your deadlines.
If your manuscript is not yet entered on electronic disk, we see to it that the task is done, quickly and accurately.
Editing (substantive, stylistic, copy)
Early in the publication process, we advise you regarding the sort of editing your manuscript requires in order to reach its full potential. Then, once we have obtained your approval, we choose the right editor for you, one who is knowledgeable in your subject matter, judicious in his or her suggestions for revision, and, equally important, enjoyable for you to work with.
Text Design
We provide you with a graphic designer experienced in the art of making books, one capable of conceiving a design that complements the subject matter of your book and meets the requirements of the marketplace. The trick is to be innovative while at the same time meeting the expectations of your readers.
Cover Design
The adage "You can't judge a book by its cover" has never stopped anyone from judging a book by its cover. Bookstore browsers do it all the time; they don't even pick up books unless the cover makes a favourable impression. Your cover sells your book, so we take care to assign you a designer who can produce a cover that captures both the contents of your book and the attention of potential buyers, whether they are bookstore browsers or web surfers.
Legal Registration
We protect your intellectual property by registering your copyright, and we attend to all other legal and administrative details.
We make certain that your book is proofread with great care and attention so as to eliminate needless errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.
Printing & Binding
Taking account of your objectives, your budget, and the marketability of your book, we help you choose the page size, the paper and cover stock, and the number of copies best suited to your needs. Then we assign your project to the right printer.
Marketing & Distribution
Since marketing and distribution are indispensable keys to publishing success, we emphasize both throughout the publication process. We guide you in developing an effective marketing plan. More specifically, we help you define your target market, make arrangements for distribution through a distributor or wholesaler, prepare promotional materials, and devise a strategy for publicity. If you have a talent for publicity, you can handle this important aspect of the publication process yourself, but many of our clients wisely choose to hire one of the publicists that we recommend. Whatever you choose to do in this regard, we can assist you by preparing publicity materials and featuring your book in our catalogue on our website. Your title will also be listed with Books in Print and
Please contact us by phone or email if you would like us to provide you with a quote on your book project.
Our preference is for a phone call, since a brief conversation is our best means of coming to a good understanding of your needs and goals.
If your preference is for email, please include your phone number so that we can give you a call.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Telephone: 604-688-0320
or: 1 877 688 0320 toll free